McDaniel Conference Linkage

I wasn’t able to attend the McDaniel Conference on Popular Romance, but here are some reports on the proceedings.

Amy Burge reports on Reflections on (Re)Reading Romance: A ‘Hands-On’ Harlequin Workshop at the recent conference held at McDaniel College. Not only does the workshop sound fascinating and illuminating, the blog post about it is, too. Here’s a bit more about the workshop and conference.

The excellent blog Read, React, Review has three posts on the McDaniel Conference:
Reflections on the McDaniel Popular Romance Conference, Part 1.
Reflections on the McDaniel Popular Romance Conference: My Paper (part 2).
Eloisa James’ Keynote for the McDaniel Popular Romance Conference.

The Liturgy of Cliche by Angela Toscano, one of the papers presented at the conference.

And another: Romance, Readers, Affect by Jonathan A. Allan.

I can’t wait until more of the papers are published, and I can read them!

About Victoria Janssen

Victoria Janssen [she, her] currently writes cozy space opera for Kalikoi. The novella series A Place of Refuge begins with Finding Refuge: Telepathic warrior Talia Avi, genius engineer Miki Boudreaux, and augmented soldier Faigin Balfour fought the fascist Federated Colonies for ten years, following the charismatic dissenter Jon Churchill. Then Jon disappeared, Talia was thought dead, and Miki and Faigin struggled to take Jon’s place and stay alive. When the FC is unexpectedly upended, Talia is reunited with her friends and they are given sanctuary on the enigmatic planet Refuge. The trio of former guerillas strive to recover from lifetimes of trauma, build new lives on a planet with endless horizons, and forge tender new connections with each other.
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